Offshore and marine AHC and CT hoisting and umbilical winches 2020
Home Subsea solutions Offshore winches


Intelligent winch solutions enabling maximum workability


Turn-key offshore winch solutions featuring advanced motion control technology

Seatools is unique in its ability to provide a wide range of both standardized and customized offshore winch solutions featuring advanced motion control technology. A rarely found combination of expertise in hydraulic and electric drive technology, motion control technology, and offshore and subsea electronics results in mission-critical AHC / CT hoisting and umbilical winches with outstanding reliability and workability levels, irrespective of encountered conditions. In order to guarantee performance in the field and minimize commissioning times we make use of advanced simulations during the development of our winch solutions. These simulations enable us to verify controller performance and pre-program the controller’s most optimal settings ahead of commissioning.

However, our offering extends beyond the delivery of marine winch solutions. We take a step forward in unburdening our clients by delivering additional (drive train) components and sub-systems, such as umbilical terminations, (subsea) HPUs, actuators, etc… Doing so benefits quality and lead times, but also improves cost-effectiveness and shifts the burden of project management away from our clients.

  • AHC / CT hoisting winches
  • AHC / CT umbilical winches
  • Equipment rental and sales
Value creation
  • An offering that fits every need
  • Thoroughly tested and fail-safe winch controllers
  • Short lead and commissioning times
Track record
  • AHC / CT rental fleet
  • 1.8 MW umbilical winch – Van Oord
  • Numerous ROV & trencher AHC / CT winches

By offering both custom and standard winches for sale and rent, our engineers propose a solution suitable for every technical requirement, lead time, and budget. Learn more?


  • AHC / CT hoisting winches
  • AHC / CT umbilical winches
  • Winch AHC upgrades
AHC primary and secondary controlled winch drive offshore

Controlled handling of loads under adverse conditions

Seatools offers a wide range of standardized and customized AHC (active heave compensated) and CT (constant tension) hoisting winches that allow for continuous operations under harsh environmental conditions. In order to improve workability and minimize commissioning times, winch controllers are extensively simulated.

Key features:

• Full service offering
• Rental and sales solutions
• Short lead and commissioning times


Heave compensated umbilical winch with constant tension mode

Mission critical umbilical winches for uninterrupted offshore operations

The umbilical winch, responsible for the transfer of power and data between the vessel and the operable subsea equipment, plays a crucial role in the operational uptime of an entire offshore operation as it inevitably represents a single point of failure. Seatools, with its vast experience and capabilities in subsea infrastructure mounted on mission-critical equipment, houses all resources needed to design and deliver fully customized AHC and CT umbilical winches. Also capable of delivering additional drive train sub-systems (e.g. umbilical termination, SHPU, etc.), clients can outsource full-fledged projects to a single supplier, which benefits quality levels and lead time while unburdening the client.

HeaveMate Active Heave Compensation system

Expand the workability of your existing offshore winch

Our HeaveMate® AHC standardized control system facilitates the integration and upgrading of existing winch systems. We take into account all case-specific conditions, requirements, and existing (drive) systems, and perform simulations in order to ensure the correct performance of the system under any condition. Once all in-depth simulations have been completed, the pre-optimized controller is integrated in the existing system, resulting in a minimum of commissioning time.


  • An offering that suits every need

    50 tons AHC winch heave compensated maritime applications

    By offering both customized and standardized AHC / CT umbilical and hoisting winches, in addition to equipment sales and rental possibilities, we match every need, technical requirement, admissible lead time, and available budget.

  • Thoroughly tested and fail-safe winch controllers

    Umbilical Constant Tension CT winch virtual testing 1800 kW

    Thanks to our best-in-class simulations we deliver first-time-right solutions and fail-safe winch (control) systems. Before an AHC winch is installed on site, its control system is extensively simulated. As such, we predict the controller’s response to any condition ahead of installation, and implement the most effective control strategy. Moreover, as early as the design stage our simulations facilitate analysis of system component defects, such as a failing motion sensor. We guarantee our systems feature sufficient fault tolerance levels.

  • Short lead and commissioning times

    Offshore winch reeler with spooling device 2020

    Also when it comes to lead and commissioning times our simulation capabilities make the difference. Simulations enable us to pre-program the controller’s most optimal settings ahead of commissioning. In addition, Seatools relies on an extensive experience base and control algorithm library. In practice, this means our lead times are short and expensive offshore commissioning time is reduced.

50 tons AHC winch heave compensated maritime applications

We simulate our AHC winch control systems upfront in order to guarantee industry-leading workability levels and minimize commissioning times. Want to know more?

In order to guarantee performance in the field and minimize commissioning times we make use of advanced simulations during the development of our winch solutions.




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    Service (outside office hours, emergency only)
    +31 (0)186 65 00 75

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